
My name is Crispin Freeman and I’m a voice actor.


My professional voice acting career started in 1997 when I was working as a theatrical actor in New York City.

I now live in Los Angeles where I voice act in animation, video games, Japanese animation, commercials and trailers.

You can view my IMDB resume to see a list of my credits.

I also have a blog and podcast called Voice Acting Mastery where I share my experience and expertise with those who would like to pursue voice acting themselves.

If you’re interested in taking voice acting classes with me, please visit the Voice Acting Mastery Classes Page.

I also have a website called Mythology and Meaning where I use my scholarship of mythology to explore the storytelling blueprint behind Film, Animation and Games.

If you’re curious about my Mythology and Meaning presentations, please sign up for my Mythology and Meaning Mailing List.